Here's to Foster Care Month 2021!
Wow! What a busy and fruitful month. I want to say thank you to everyone who supported me in spreading awareness for families in the foster care system. My philosophy is that for families to heal, we have to focus on everyone, not just a few individuals. Yes, children have a future and we should do everything to ensure it’s a happy one. However, biological parents, siblings, and other family members need to know they matter too.
A sincere thanks to those who supported my donation drive through Comfort Cases. They’re an incredible organization that is working to help youth in care feel loved and cared for. It really warmed my heart to hear people share their stories of how foster care impacted their lives. It’s through storytelling that we remove the stigma and help people in a way that empowers them.
I can’t express how much it means to me to have you on this journey. When I first began, it felt like I was alone on a mission. In fact, I was told this work could be lonely and depressing. In spite of, I’ve met people who are dedicated to this work and because of that, I don’t feel alone. In order for change to happen, action must be taken. We may not see the immediate payoff from our work, but it’s still worth the effort to help improve the lives of others.
Eileen and Callie’s Place will be hosting ‘Celebrate 18’ in July. This is an event for young women who are currently in or have left foster care. Please reach out if you or someone you know is interested in attending.