May is Foster Care Awareness Month

May is National Foster Care Awareness Month! This is a chance to highlight the work people are doing to make foster care a better system for children and their families. As a former foster child, it meant everything to me to have support from my community. It’s my hope I can do the same for others. 

During this month, I’ll be hosting a donation drive for Comfort Cases. They’re an organization that is dedicated to giving children in foster care ‘a sense of dignity and hope.’ They provide luggage and other care items youth need. As Ms. Evergreen State 2020 USA Ambassador, I invite you to join me in helping these children feel seen and loved. 

Thank you so much for supporting my platform, ‘A Chance to Succeed: Empowering Youth in Foster Care’. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in having me make an appearance as Ms. Evergreen State. 

I appreciate you all. Talk with you soon!


Crown Headshot Credit: Austin Ryde